THE ROUTE...updated

On April 14, 2008, we dipped our rear wheels in the Atlantic Ocean in Virginia Beach, VA and headed west along the Blue Ridge Parkway to Asheville, NC. We rode south of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park and there our plans derailed. Just before we crossed into Tennessee, Kellea got hit by a car. Though not badly hurt, Kellea's bruised ribs meant she wouldn't be able to bike for over a month. Our ride turned into a car journey, which is documented in the blog below. We tried to carry forward our original intentions of raising funds for two great groups and witnessing a different side of America.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Bud, this Ride's for You - Letter from Rafe & Kellea

Bud Davis was back home in Tahoe after completing a 3,000+ mile coast-to-coast bike ride and I was asking him what it was like. Besides a sore butt and having to return home in the middle to undergo chemotherapy for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma before continuing on, he said it was great. I told him such a ride was on my list of things to do before it got too late, and I asked him what he thought. Bud, with his wonderful sense of humor said, “Rafe, my man, I think you are too old.” I laughed hard, as Bud had done the ride when he was 80 years old and I hadn’t quite started my seventh decade.

This January, at age 81, Bud passed on. With Bud in mind, and after much cajoling from my daughter, Kellea, and encouragement from my wife, Dianne, Kellea and I will set out on a self-supported tour. Starting April 14th, we will ride our bikes from Virginia Beach, VA to San Francisco. It should be quite an adventure, as I tend to overestimate my abilities and underestimate the task at hand.

Kellea and I agreed to set off on a grand journey that would also raise awareness for issues that mattered to us both. For almost three years, Kellea has been working at the Global Fund for Women, a women’s rights foundation in San Francisco, and will be starting a Sociology PhD program this fall. She is a fierce advocate for women's rights and teaches women's self-defense classes in the Bay Area.

We are proud to honor Bud’s incredible life by raising money to fight cancer and help patients and their families. We are riding for two groups that provide support to people dealing with cancer and ask some of the tough questions, like how do we stop cancer where it starts? and how do make health care accessible to all people?

We are asking you to consider pledging 1 cent per mile ($35.00) for the 3,500 miles we will be riding with the donation going to either:

1) Lymphoma Foundation of America
2) Breast Cancer Action

Please visit our website for more information about Bud, the Lymphoma Foundation of America and Breast Cancer Action, and how to make a donation. If you have any questions, call Dianne at our central command station at (530) 546-5803. We will be posting pictures of our travels across this beautiful country.

To all of you who knew Bud and his indomitable spirit and to those whose lives have been affected by cancer: BUD, THIS RIDE’S FOR YOU!!

Now, to the bikes,
Rafe & Kellea

1 comment:

Spencer Headley said...

You guys are my heroes!!!