THE ROUTE...updated

On April 14, 2008, we dipped our rear wheels in the Atlantic Ocean in Virginia Beach, VA and headed west along the Blue Ridge Parkway to Asheville, NC. We rode south of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park and there our plans derailed. Just before we crossed into Tennessee, Kellea got hit by a car. Though not badly hurt, Kellea's bruised ribs meant she wouldn't be able to bike for over a month. Our ride turned into a car journey, which is documented in the blog below. We tried to carry forward our original intentions of raising funds for two great groups and witnessing a different side of America.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


The Beautiful Blue Ridge Parkway


Yes, he ate the whole thing!

Kellea finds a kindred spirit in Asheville

Another sign of Tahoe in North Carolina!

Larry Joe's ride in Asheville

Kellea and Rafe rode in to Asheville on Monday afternoon to the wonderful hospitality of Larry Joe and Josee. They were treated to wonderful meals and great company! Both their bodies and their bikes were tuned-up and rested from the road after having traveled over 600 miles so far. Staying for two nights gave them a chance to explore beautiful Asheville.
After studying the maps and fine tuning the route, they hit the road for Tennessee rested and ready to pedal.


NicBell said...

Glad to hear that the ride is going nicely. It wouldn't be right without riding through a huge storm in the first week, right?

For some inspiration for you wandering Jews, I came across a story about a Polish pilgrim sighted on foot on a German freeway:

douglas read said...

Wait is that a helmet I see Rafe wearing? And where the heck are the blue jeans? Is Rafe making some big life changes here? Last night at the nordic center meeting we heard a lot of great reports on the past season and also that Valli got her grant for the new Discovery center!!!!! I wasw so excited to hear all this. Looks like you guys are doing great out there and keep up the good work. Skiing is still great around here and down on the eastside as well. Spring is trying to come out, but still kind of cold some days. Rode and Laura wish you their best, Good Luck, your friend, Doug