THE ROUTE...updated

On April 14, 2008, we dipped our rear wheels in the Atlantic Ocean in Virginia Beach, VA and headed west along the Blue Ridge Parkway to Asheville, NC. We rode south of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park and there our plans derailed. Just before we crossed into Tennessee, Kellea got hit by a car. Though not badly hurt, Kellea's bruised ribs meant she wouldn't be able to bike for over a month. Our ride turned into a car journey, which is documented in the blog below. We tried to carry forward our original intentions of raising funds for two great groups and witnessing a different side of America.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The First Few Days

Rafe roughing it at Springfield B&B

Kellea meets Joan, a feminist in North Carolina!

Beer of choice for those who throw their cans out of windows!

Breakfast of Champions! (Along with plenty of Advil)

Kellea Shay logs in her
first century!

After leaving from Sandbridge, Virginia, the riders spent their first night in Hertford, North Carolina, riding approx. 65 miles. They stayed in beautiful Springfield B&B, a farmhouse dating back to 1896. The next day took them to Roanoke Rapids, approx. 90 miles away. Their third day they put in an amazing 106 miles, ending in Roxboro, N.C.

Rafe and Kellea will be logging in with details when they get to Asheville, North Carolina in a few days. Things are going well, weather is decent, people are interesting and the bodies are not screaming too loud!

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